Kromanti Rum – Review

As the weather starts to become warmer, thoughts inevitably turn to having outdoor barbecues and of course the accompanying drinks to serve! Rum punches feature at many barbecues and I have sampled the delicious Kromanti rum that can be enjoyed by itself with some ice, at a barbecue, or made into a fruit cocktail, which I will also recommend below.
Kromanti rum is a tamarind flavoured rum which provides it with a fruity blend compared to other rums. The rums were created with an infusion of herbs and spices, including nutmeg and cinnamon, from the Caribbean and African countries.

For Cashain David, as the founder of this family-owned product, it was important to retain the traditions from the Caribbean in the rum making process whilst adding a modern interpretation within the creation of Kromanti rum. Equally, Cashain wished to educate others about rum’s history as well as promoting aspects of wellbeing through rum herbalism.
Kromanti History
Growing up within a Grenadian household, Cashain wanted to honour Caribbean history and notably Julien Fedon and Kromanti Kojo. Fedon was born in Martinique as the son of a French jeweller and a former slave. He led a revolt in 18th century Grenada for the abolishment of slavery. Fedon was influenced by Kromanti Kojo, who had been exiled to Grenada and was a maroon drummer during the second Maroon War. The Kromanti people lived off the land in Grenada and used medical infusions as a way to maintain health and treat diseases.
Kromanti Rum Tasting
As for the taste, Kromanti rum has such a smooth, sweet blend and so I enjoyed drinking it neat. There is a fruity smell on opening the rum and it has a dark, golden brown colour. The smooth texture of Kromanti rum means that it can be easily enjoyed without adding a mixer.

As a lover of rum cocktails, I am always keen to discover new rums and so I decided to create a simple strawberry daiquiri with Kromanti rum. As the rum is such a smooth, fruity blend, I merely added some dried strawberries to create the cocktail which tasted delicious rather than blending the ingredients.

Knowing that the taste may still be quite strong from some, if you generally do prefer to add a mixer for your rum cocktails then I would recommend squeezing some lime and adding a mere splash of coconut water, so as not to overpower this unique rum flavour.
Kromanti rum, would certainly be the ideal rum to try if you were trying rums for the first time due to its delicious infusion of herbs and spices. I would certainly recommend sampling Kromanti to those preferring a sweeter rum and to those generally interested in a flavourful rum.
Kromanti rum is ideal for those barbecues, special occasions or after work drinks making it a versatile rum that will appeal to many. This rum, with its innovative, tasty flavours and emphasis on authentic Caribbean traditions through the distillery process, will open up the market to make rum seem more accessible to non-rum drinkers for all seasons.

Kromanti rum is also delivered promptly, via the online shop, and securely packaged making it an ideal gift for others, too. If you still need persuading to sample this rum providing that slice of Grenada, Kromanti rum is now available here in half-bottle 20cl sizes as well.
After reading this review, would you now be tempted to try Kromanti rum? Let me know your thoughts and your favourite rum cocktails in the comments below.